A website devoted to the Howard Clarke & Fannie Jones Glover descendents. If you are too young to remember the family pictures then you owe it to yourself to browse them. The family has grown so much that it is difficult to keep up with everyone. Let's not lose touch with our roots! 


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Glover Family Tree

I need your help on this page. If you click on Howard & Fannie's names you will see a separate page with their picture and some information about them.... I would like to have everyone to give me sufficient information about each person listed below as well as some pictures, so that if someone wanted to know more about you, all they would have to do would be to click on your name.

Howard Clarke Glover
Fannie Jones Glover

Virginia Glover




Caroline Frances Glover




Thomas Jones Glover

Fannie Jones Glover

Lisa Anne Mullally

Charles Madison Smith

Calvin Donald Smith

Margaret Glover Smith

Miller Buice Smith

Mary Holly Mullally

Carolyn Fortson

James Camp Fortson

James Campbell Mullally, Jr.

Keely Martine Mullally

Thomas Forest Mullally

Thomas Jones Glover, Jr.

Lynda Lerean Glover

Drew Glover Burgy

Courtney Lerean Burgy

Thomas Jones Glover, III

Anna Pate Glover

Elizabeth Keyton Glover

Susan Pate Glover

Kevin Brian Jordan


Mary Jones Glover

Jane Malvia Nixon

Todd Muir


Andrew Nixon Muir


Harold Wargon Muir, III


Judith Lee Nixon

Mary Kathryn Rountree


Janey O'Brien Rountree


Howard Clarke Glover, Jr.

Harriett Trapnell Glover

John Chambers McCune, III


Howard Clarke Glover, Jr.

Howard Clarke Glover, IV


Richard Trapnell Glover


John Trapnell Glover

John Trapnell Glover, Jr.


Jeffrey Barron Glover


William Norwood Glover



John Littleton Glover

John Littleton Glover Jr.

John Littleton Glover, III


Bingham Glover


Cynthia Reid Freeman


Caroline Ruth Freeman


Candice Leigh Freeman


Wallace Miller Glover

Wallace Miller Glover


Michael Hanson Glover


Kelley Carter Glover


Clifford Clarke Glover

Edmund Cook Glover

Sarah Frances Glover

Lily Louise Stephens

Andrew Glover Stephens

Virginia Ann Glover


Nancy Liles Glover

Clarke Glover Kennedy


Virginia Denis Kennedy

Nancy Grace Koenig

Courtney Callighan Koenig

Laura Denis Koenig

George August Koenig, III

David Singleton Kennedy

Grace Cook Kennedy

Virginia Johnston Glover

Philip Alson Lee

Katherine Shine Lee

Henry Langston Lee

Alyson Glover Lee


John Fitzhugh Lee


Laura Clarke Glover



Winifred Trimble Glover

Daniel Walter Boone III


Ashley Meredith Boone

Abigail Armistead Tutterow

Susanna Randolph Boone


Daniel Walter Boone, IV


Howard Glover Boone

Tiffany Burtt

Joseph Alexander Burtt

Elizabeth Trimble Boone


Mary Caroline Boone

Robert David Alford


Elizabeth Shelton Alford


Carl Hardaway Boone, II

Kimberly Ann Boone

Taylor McKenzie Williams

Jacob Williams

Virginia Lala Boone


Ashley Glover Boone


Winifred Katherine Boone


Alberto Aranda


Mary Carolina Aranda


Joseph William Boone

Joseph William Boone, Jr.


Anne Cameron Boone


Robert David Boone

Callie Elise Boone


Robert David Boone


Nathaniel Banks Glover

Nathaniel Banks Glover Jr.



Richard Wilson Glover

Richard Wilson Glover, Jr.


Amanda Whitney Glover


Nathaniel Banks Glover IV


David Clarke Glover

Jennifer Ann Glover


Elizabeth Campbell Glover


James Frederick Glover

James Frederick Glover, Jr.


Chase Maslowe Glover


Blake Roberson Glover


Mary Frances Glover

Galen Mitchell Honea


Molly Creagh Honea